Mage School: Five Elements

Home: Mighal

Enrollment: ~7,500, found primarily in the north, west, and east of Azgaarnoth; Dradehalia has no formal Five Elements schools anywhere within their borders.

Motto: "Embrace the All"

The School of the Five Elements embraces all five of the elements that make up the firmament: air, earth, fire, water, and void. They are openly welcomed in many places within Azgaarnoth, particularly since their spells can be of direct benefit to all, from commoners to merchant guilds to mercenary companies to Great Houses alike. Members of the Five Elements can often find work in any town or city, if they choose, and many frequently use this as a means by which to establish a school and bring greater study of the five elements to the rest of the world.


"Five brothers, each of them wizards, realized in their youth that the primacy of power came from the five elements. Each chose a different element to pursue, according to their nature, but rather than journey their separate ways, they founded a school together, such that each could pursue study in their element, but never entirely isolated from the other four. This led to their motto, 'Embrace the All', wherein the five would look for ways to not only improve their elemental art, but also find ways to combine with the others' arts, to create new and unprecedented results." --from the Book of the Five, the common textbook to all Five Elements students


Any of the arcane traditions that focus on each of the five elements (Aeromancy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, Pyromancy, Voidmancy), the sorcerous origins of Elemancy, FireSpeakers, Seacallers, Stoneshapers, or Storm sorcerers, or even the monks of the Four Elements find themselves welcome here. In short, any who feel the power of the five elements coursing through them are valued and valuable members of this school. Those that are more closely aligned with one of the five elements (air, earth, fire, water, void) will tend to gravitate to those specialties within the school, but "generalists" are also common within the school, and often act as the "glue" bringing together different specialists to work on a common problem or research topic.


Any that do not understand the power of the elements are to be pitied, but not bothered with.

Among themselves, the Five ELements magi have a curious (and careful) rivalry amongst themselves, whereby each considers the others rivals, but also periodic partners and allies against those outside the school (and sometimes within). Friendly competitions between the specialties are common, and exhibitions are often held for public consumption, both as a fundraider for the school, as well as an opportunity to find recruits and apprentices.

Of the five elements, those who spend time with the void (Voidmancers and some warlocks) are the most isolate, preferring their time alone over socializing with other members of the school. Some break away from the school entirely, convinced that the void has nothing in common with the other four elements, and more to do with what the clerics of Entropy study/worship.


The Five Elements school is on friendly terms with the Blue Sky school (the aeromancers and hydromancers of Five Elements often have friends among the weather-workers of Blue Sky), and many Five Elements magi started their careers as White Winds members.

The Five Elements school has a fierce rivalry with both the Crimson Sunrise and Fiery Fist schools, as they often find themselves vying for the same candidates. The Five Elements school regards the use of elemental power purely for combat purposes as an inelegant use of the power, though obviously they are well-accustomed to both the necessity of it as well as the mechanics of doing so.

Restricted Spells

The Five Elements school, being made up of a variety of arcane traditions, each maintain their own list of restricted spells; however, in general, any member of the Five Elements school can petition (successfully) for access to another tradition's restricted list if "good cause" can be proven.

Restricted spells will not be sold to non-members without member sponsorship. Non-members who are given the privilege of ownership of a Five Elements spell are under strict oaths that they will not allow the spell to fall into any third party hands, and any beings using a restricted spell will be target for some form of retribution from the school. Ownership/use of a restricted Five Elements spell by unauthorized non-members is considered a major offense against the school, and grounds for expulsion of the member that sponsored the copy.

Aeromancy Spells

Geomancy Spells

Hydromancy Spells

Pyromancy Spells
