Sorcerous Origin: Fire Speakers

Your innate magic comes from the power of elemental fire. Perhaps you were born near a volcano or during a raging firestorm nearby that decimated an entire forest. Your lineage might include the influence of a potent creature of fire such as efreeti. Whatever the case, the magic of the flame permeates your soul, and you can hear the whispers of the flame speaking to you.

Firespeakers are invaluable members to a variety of different groups--a firespeaker can coax much hotter flame out of a normal forge, allowing them to more effectively coax the shape desired out of the metal, for example. Their abilities also prove useful in repelling attacks by anything harmed by fire, although they are at their weakest when confronted by creatures of water.

Note: There have been other Speakers in the past: Seacallers (water), Windtalkers (air), Stoneshapers (earth) are all known to have trod the lands of Azgaarnoth. Each hears the call of an elemental plane, and in time, each eventually comes to know the creatures of that plane on a more personal level.


The arcane magic you command is infused with elemental fire. You can speak, read, and write Primordial. In addition, you gain the following spells at the listed sorcerer level. These spells do not count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Firespeaker Bonus Spells * 1st: burning hands, faerie fire * 3rd: Aganazzar's scorcher, continual flame * 5th: flame arrows, Melf's minute meteors * 7th: conjure minor elementals (steam mephits, magma mephits, or magmin only, unless you gain this spell from another source) * 9th: conjure elemental (steam mephits, magma mephits, magmin, or fire elementals only, unless you gain this spell from another source)

For the purposes of the below abilities, a "fire or flame" spell is any spell that explicitly has "fire" or "flame" in its title; this collection is naturally up to the GM to include or exclude as appropriate.

Fiery Magic

At 1st level, you are attuned to elemental fire magic. Whenever you cast a spell other than a cantrip during your turn, whirling gusts of smoke and fire swirl around you. You can use a bonus action to light any common (non-magical) flammable item on fire.

Heart of the Flame

At 6th level, you gain resistance to fire and flame damage. Whenever you cast a spell other than a cantrip that deals fire or flame damage, a fiery aura surrounds you. In addition to the spell's effects, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you take fire damage equal to half your sorcerer level.

Flame Guide

At 6th level, you gain the ability to subtly control (and communicate with) the flame near you. The flame can inform you of what is can perceive within its lighting radius, even going so far as to alert you from sleep if it is given explicit instructions to do so. (The smaller the fire, the less intelligent, so a campfire must be given very explicit instructions.) In addition, you can call normal flames into existence within a 20-foot radius of you, equal to your sorcerer level. (So, for example, at 6th level you can light six torches simultaneously so long as they are within 20 feet.) These are normal flames, and do no damage beyond what normal fire would do. If you are assisting a blacksmith or artificer, you may use this ability to encourage the forge flame to become hotter and shape the metal more swiftly; this will reduce the manufacture time or the cost by 25% (DM's choice).

Flame's Fury

At 14th level, the flame energy you channel through your magic seethes within your soul. When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal flame damage to the attacker equal to your sorcerer level. The attacker must also make a Constitution saving throw, with a DC equal to 8 + your Charisma bonus + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the attacker is overcome by the heat and is at disadvantage during their next action while remanining within 20 feet of you.

Flame Soul

At 18th level, you gain immunity to fire and flame damage.