Militant Orders

Organizations built around martial lines and comprising primarily martial members, a militant order is often a military or paramilitary force dedicated to a particular concept or ideal--sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Draconic Order

The Knights of the Draconic Orders are some of the most fearsome and respected people in Azgaarnoth, and they fight to preserve civilization and its benefits for everyone in Azgaarnoth. Defined into a half-dozen separate and distinct orders, each taking after a distinct species of metallic dragon, each leverages their own skills and capabilities as part of a larger effort, and periodically work together to defeat threats to the world.


The Marshals are another force for law in Azgaarnoth, founded and funded by the Prince's Council of Yithi and often equipped by the scholars of Zhi. Marshals move about the towns and cities of Yithi and Zhi (and sometimes beyond), acting as an independent force of law beyond that of the Twenty-Four Tribes, to ensure that there is always a counterbalance to the power of the nobility. Each Marshal generally operates independently of one another, pursuing their own investigations and/or concerns, though they have been known to be given missions by the Prince's Council, and/or partner with other organizations if the end result furthers the citizenry of Yithi and Zhi.

Kaevarian Templar

A knightly order of the Kaevarian Church, the Templar are a relatively numerous order, yet when compared to their contemporaries such as the Draconic Order or even the Dread Knights, they often come out second (or third) in the comparison.

Knights of Dradehalian Order

The Knights of the Dread Order, or the Knights of the Dradehalian Order as they were originally known, are a militant order of individuals dedicated first to the survival, then to the aims, of Dradehalia and its Dread Emperor.

Other militant orders: