Mage School: Fiery Fist

Home: Mighal

Enrollment: ~7,500; ~5,000 "deployed" magi in combat units (primarily in Chidia), and another ~2,500 in towers all across Azgaarnoth

Motto: "Might Answers Problems"

Fiery Fist magi are focused on combat, and in particular, serving as the "heavy artillery" in any fight. They look to bring extremely loud, powerful, high-damage magic to bear on any conflict, and since most situations are likely ready to erupt into conflict, they are always ready to toss a fireball into whatever situation faces them. As a result, they are often found charging into the front lines of any combat, from which they can toss their spells of death, engage their enemies, and defeat their foes.

Fiery Fist magi are usually not found within cities, except when taking leave from a combat unit or traveling between assignments.


Any wizard, sorcerer, or warlock are welcome, so long as their skillset and mindset are geared towards the maximum application of damage possible. Wizards will often be of the War Magic or BattleMagi arcane traditions, although Artillerists fit in well, as well. Pyromancers also typically do well here. Clerics of the Destruction domain often find a welcome home here, so long as they curb their instincts when it comes to school property. Similarly, clerics of the War domain will be welcome, so long as their spells focus on inflicting damage and allowing for the more efficient allocation of damage. Artificers who focus on creations that do damage will find a home here as well.

Defensive-minded magi are welcome, but they are often relegated to a second-tier status within the school--glory comes to those who can blow the walls of the castle apart, rather than those who keep the soldiers or the keep safe from the same. While the Fiery Fist does not exclusively practice out of any one area of magic, Invocation and Evocation spells are most commonly found here, and any Fiery Fist spell research is focused on ways to add to the offensive arsenal of the Fiery Fist mage.

Other casters, such as clerics and bards, are welcome so long as they understand that they will never be able to reach the highest levels of glory reserved for those who can hurl volcanos from their fingertips. Bards who join will be expected to focus on ways to assist the Fiery Fist mage in being more effective at combat.

Periodically, Fiery Fist schools engage in "practical research" (in the form of competitive games) with the Hewn Arch schools--the latter create buildings and see how long it takes a Fiery Fist mage to destroy them. Similarly, games with the High Tower are often held, with similar goals. In some cities (such as Mighal), these games take on the air of a country festival, and folk flock for the day to the fields outside the city to watch the fireworks. During these festivals, it is not uncommon to find betting going on, as well as some dramatics between the competing magi (some faked, some in fun, but sometimes all too real).


Fiery Fist magi will frequently take the opportunity to learn weapons and armor, and are often found looking for ways to blend the two together more seamlessly. Many will choose one of two forms of combat: To be on the front lines, dishing out damage through direct melee combat means, or as heavy artillery from behind the line. Either are equally dangerous, and many Fiery Fist magi partner accordingly when moving about in small numbers, some "Fists" (front-line) and some "Fieries" (ranged) working in tandem.

Many Fiery Fist magi are over-eager to accept combat, and are often accused of rushing into battles without proper planning. This is not entirely a fair characterization--many of the Fiery Fist magi are some of the world's greatest strategists--but certainly the younger ranks, eager to prove themselves and earn glory, are prone to such tendencies.

The sight of a Fiery Fist magi throwing their robes back and spreading their hands usually sends any would-be observers scrambling for the exits; it is not safe to be nearby when these magi begin to cast.


Fiery Fist magi have connections with almost every mercenary company in Azgaarnoth, for obvious reasons. They are often less interested in the work done by other mage schools, though they have grudging respect for the Silent Tower (reconnaissance is important to any military strategy) and frequently sigh with relief when Night's Blessing magi are accompanying them.

They have a deep rivalry with Crimson Tongue magi, and duels between members of the two schools are not uncommon. Unlike the festivals with the Hewn Arch or the High Tower, these duels are never taken lightly, and more than one master from one has exerted a poorly-hidden revenge against the other.

Restricted Spells

These spells are never shared with anyone outside of the Fiery Fist school. Any non-member found using any of these spells will find something terrible happening to them (or their spellbook) at some point in the future. (Part of the reason for the rivalry between this school and the Crimson Sunrise is the long-ancient accustation that one school stole several of these restricted spells from the other--and by this point, no one is quite sure which school started it.)

Within the school, these spells are only made available to members who go out on active deployment.