Mage School: Hewn Arch

Home: Khazindush (in eastern Liria)

Enrollment: ~2,500

Motto: "Upon This Rock We Build"

The Hewn Arch is a school that focuses on the power of the earth, stone, and buildings. Formed by dwarven magi eons ago, this school has remained steadfast in its study of the earth ever since. Today, members are often hired or retained by merchant guilds or Great Houses to assist with construction projects, with mercenary companies to help create fortifications while on the march, or often religious groups who seek the construction of a new temple to their deity or deities.

History tells that the school was first founded by a circle of dwarven magi who sought to master powers of earth and stone shortly after the Exodus, to help prepare for the eventual retaking of the Seventeen. For this reason, many dwarves and gnomes find the Hewn Arch a comfortable school of magic to which to belong, and many Hewn Arch members have, in the past, left their offices and towers as part of the (many) Returns.


Wizards of the Ferromancy, Geomancy, and Kinetics arcane traditions are welcome here. Sorcerers of the Stoneshaper legacy are particularly welcome. The Hewn Arch also welcomes clerical members of domains that are of similar interest, such as those of the Earth, Forge, and Hearth domains. Many artificers call here home, as well.


Hewn Arch magi are often sought for construction projects by the various noble houses, and it is a constant source of income for the school. They are also sometimes recruited by mercenary companies to aid with sieges and establishing field fortifications, though generally only the junior magi of the school take these contracts--the more "serious" Hewn Arch magi are more interested in building monuments and cities, rather than trenches and walls.


Restricted spells

Hewn Arch magi are not particularly jealous guardians of their restricted spells, and are generally willing to sell copies of any restricted spell to those who can meet their prices (which are hefty). Non-members found in possession of a Hewn Arch spell will be treated with suspicion, but not hostility.