Mighal (Mighalia)

Population: 235,000 -- 40% human, 40% firstborn, 15% Created, 5% Hordes

Features: Port, Citadel, Walled, Major trade center, Religious center, Shantytown

The Free City of Mighal is the capital of Mighalia, though most just use the name Mighal to refer to the city and its surrounds. An open city of magic and the home to many of the world's mage schools, it is also home to numerous merchant guilds and mercenary companies, and likely a number of other more shadowy organizations.

The current Duke of Mighal enjoys good relations with his distant cousins in Liria, but espionage and intrigue are always at work, and Liria would not hesitate to bring its errant city back under control if given the opportunity.

It is said that anything can be found in the Poor Quarter of Mighal, legal or otherwise, if the price is right. It is also said that almost a third of the population in the Poor Quarter is an agent in the employ of the Dread Emperor, or a spy for the Hordes, or any of a dozen other wild ideas. The city generally tries to ignore the Poor Quarter as best it can, and the City Watch spends as little time there as possible.

It is also said that anything can be bought or sold in Mighal--mercenary companies, mage guilds, merchant guilds openly buy and sell here. In fact, the Mercenary Bond Council--the organization that oversees and rules on mercenary contract disputes--has made its home here, and the Alaphatians have even dispatched a Caliph-in-residence to the city, to oversee the numerous citizens of the Caliphate that have found their way across the Mighalian Narrows here. Dradehalian nobles walk the streets openly, and it is rumored that even some of the darkest Rogues' Guilds have their homes here. It is a city of the loftiest heights and the darkest lows, and anything and everything can--and frequently does--happen here.


Authority Figures

Military Units

Draconic Order

Dueling Schools

Bardic Colleges

Great Houses

Mage Schools

Mercenary Companies


Rogues' Guilds