Arcane Tradition: Voidmancy

Voidmancy is the dangerous field of study of the dark and aberrant things that lie on the edge of reality. Things that stretch the mental fortitude of those that wish to see into the beyond. Many describe it as the discovery of knowledge that no mortal is meant to know, and the sheer number of madness-inducing contacts with such places and beings suggests there's some merit to this theory.

Voidmancers seek to uncover these hidden truths in a methodical and--theoretically--safe way, through the rigid study of abjurations to protect themselves, and divinations to limit discoveries to manageable slivers. Voidmancers believe that scholars, cultists, and warlocks that touch the other side, do so recklessly, and thus they are consumed. Voidmancers believe that strict adherence to methodology and mental discipline, allows them to ward off a similar fate.

Bonus Proficiencies and Spells

Starting at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you double your proficiency bonus when making Intelligence (Arcana) checks related to aberrations. In addition, armor of Agathys, arms of Hadar, and hunger of Hadar are added to the wizard spell list for you.

Whispers from the Void

Starting at 2nd level, you constantly hear whispers from the otherworld. Though trained to block out most of these maddening sounds, occasionally a few useful scraps of knowledge can be gleaned. Whenever you make a skill check, you can roll an additional 2d4 and add it to the total. This must be done after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses after fi nishing a long rest.

Mental Discipline and Fortitude

At 6th level, your mental defenses against the constant incursions of the otherworld are significant. Whenever you fail a Wisdom saving throw or a Charisma saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

At 6th level, you can use this ability once per long rest. This increases to twice per long rest at 10th level, and three times per long rest at 14th level.

Secrets of the Void

At 10th level, you have seen the physics-defying environments of the other side, and understand that nothing is fixed, even when it's rigid. When you cast a spell that has a range greater than self or touch, or an area of effect greater than a single target, you can alter the range or area of effect of that spell by 50%, either greater or smaller. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until after completing a long rest.

Screaming into the Void

Beginning at 14th level, aware of your infinitesimally inconsequential nature against the vast, unfathomable beings of the void, you have become inured to the horrors of the mundane. You gain resistance to psychic damage and are immune to the stunned condition.

Voidmancy Spells

In addition to the core spell list, Voidmancers will typically have access to the following spells: