Order of the Bronze Dragon

Leader: General (Lady) Kerrial Liiravre

The Order of the Bronze Dragon studies military leadership, and as an offshoot, leadership of all kinds (including political, guild, fighting school, mage school, and more). It is not uncommon to see princes, kings, and even Kaevarian Church Fathers bearing Bronze somewhere in their heraldry, and the Academy in the principal chapterhouse of the Order is a prestigious school of higher learning, dedicated to military and leadership skills. Their studies of combat and the military arts does not extend to a wholesale love of killing, and despite their solid and steadfast opposition to evil, Bronzes will frequently attempt other means of resolution--negotiation, operating through economic options, or even partnering with the Order of the Copper Dragon to obtain ends through less overt means--before taking to the field of combat. Once on the field, however, Bronzes hold themselves well, fully able to hold the line with members of the Order of the Gold Dragon or Order of the Platinum Dragon. Bronzes also often partner well with members of the Order of the Silver Dragon, allowing the Silvers' tendencies to healing and benevolence temper their judgment, and frequently consult with the Order of the Brass Dragon when particularly thorny moral or ethical dilemmas present themselves. They have no ill will towards the Order of the Steel Dragon, in that the Steel provides clear benefit in the form of excellent weapons and armor, but a Broze prefers to strategize a solution to the problem, as opposed to the Steel preference to artifice.

Like their namesakes, members of the Bronze Order truly enjoy observing and interacting with the rest of the world, and will actively look for opportunities to socialize. They frequently go out of their way to render help to lesser-fortunate souls, such as rescuing victims from shipwreck or evil acts. As an Order, they never seek any payment for these acts of charity, though they will not turn down promises of return help or "pay it forward" schemes to assist others. Bronzes seek justice as best they can, and cannot abide to see any creature being treated with cruelty of any sort. Bronzes believe it important to understand creatures of all walks, shapes, and styles, and will frequently go out of their way to attempt conversation as a path to negotiation before resorting to more traditional means of resolving a situation (e.g., combat). Moreover, leadership often means understanding those they lead, and Bronzes actively look for ways to "come down out of the tower" to avoid the aloofness and distance that frequently make Golds hard to approach. It is not uncommon to see a current or former member of the Bronze sitting in stern judgment upon a throne in the morning, visit hospitals and healers' tents in the afternoon, and dance in commoners' festivals in the evening.

Younger members of the Bronze are often found in low-level leadership capacities in other organizations, particularly mercenary companies, as part of their studies or during sabbaticals from the Order.


Any classes are welcome in the Bronze Order, although thieves and assassins will often find themselves encouraged to take leadership roles in intelligence services, rather than illicit Guilds, and any of the races are welcome, even those that are not typically found within human/elf/dwarven lands; one of the Bronzes' most revered military leaders, in fact, was an ogre, Sklor'thullen, who simply appeared at the gates of the Bronze Academy one day and asked to be taken on as a student, and later led Bronze regiments to victory after victory in the vast skirmishes of the Great Melee that erupted shortly after his graduation. Any being, so long as they obey the basic principles of good-aligned creatures, and so long as they have the talent and determination to study hard and well, can be a member of the Bronze Order, and frequently second- and third-born sons and daughters of noble families are found hard at work next to merchants' children and peasants who have caught the eye of a Bronze member.

Additionally, Bronzes are often encouraged to "depart the Order", to go out into the world and understand it for themselves, and those that do often come back years later to take teaching or mentoring positions within the Academy, if they do not find a calling in leadership elsewhere. In fact, it is not rare for an aging ex-Bronze reigning monarch to decide to willingly cede the throne to their chosen successor at a comfortable time, and retire to the Academy to enjoy the company of their peers and the attention of students as they seek to pass on their life's learning to others.