Order of the Gold Dragon

Leader: Precentor Martial (Lord) Aftenish Tamarand

The Order of the Gold Dragon is the militant arm of the Draconic Orders, ready to take to the front lines with sword (and sometimes spell) to fight evil. Like their namesakes, Golds are often graceful and wise, and they are relentless and dedicated foes of evil, injustice, and foul play. While respected for their fairness and knowledge, Golds also have a reputation of being grim and reserved, and often avoid casual contact with other members of the Draconic Orders except when necessary. Strong believers in the greater good and in the rule of order, Golds are sometimes viewed as arrogant and dismissive. They tend to avoid philosophical or ethical discussions with beings they deem inferior, although they enjoy arguing in favor of law.


The Order of the Gold Dragon is most populated with fighters, and as might be expected, a good number of paladins. Clerics are also often found among the ranks of the Gold, so long as their domains include Law, Justice, and/or War. Members of any race are accepted, and it is not uncommon for a Gold chapterhouse to adopt abandoned children (of any race) who show promise as a potential knight. Bards are tolerated, if they are dedicated to the teachings and education of a law-abiding society. Thieves and assassins are generally not even acknowledged, and as a result it is sometimes hard for a Gold to get along well with a member of the Order of the Copper Dragon, even when they are working towards the same goals. Magi (sorcerers, wizards, and warlocks) are tolerated, but in general are encouraged to consider membership in the Order of the Brass Dragon instead, unless the mage shows particular interest in combat.


Golds get along best with those who understand and respect combat, and so for example they get along quite well with the Fiery Fist mage school, and almost all mercenary companies. In fact, Golds are often called upon to adjudicate in disputes between mercenary companies and their employers.