Order of the Steel Dragon

Leader: MasterSmith (Lord) Ironhand Glowforge

The Steels are the artificers, because not all of what determines the outcome of the battle will happen on the battlefield; he who comes with the better axe and chain, she who comes with the better mace and shield, not only wins the battle, but lives to win the war. Like their namesakes, the Steels are amiable, curious, and witty, constantly looking for new ways to improve their craft and the materials they provide to the Orders.

Members of the Steel Order are generally artisans, crafters, and forgers, across all the various skills and crafts. Bowyers, smiths, weapons, are obvious skills embraced by the Steels, but so are weavers, barrel-makers, and vintners. Even arts and painting finds a home inside the Steel Order, as one never knows exactly how a craft could be used to further the cause; just as a flag can rally an army to war, a painting or a sculpture can remind a populace of its pride during dark times. Steels are often heavily engaged with the Merchant Guilds, allowing a slow trickle of their fine workmanship to earn monetary profits for the Order to support its various chapterhouses and overhead. (This also provides a convenient avenue for members of the Order of the Copper Dragon to slip out into the world, as trading agents for the Steels.)

Steels generally get along well with all of the other Orders, and in particular enjoy the company of the Order of the Brass Dragon; it is not uncommon to see a Steel and Brass engaged in long-winded discussion about history and its applicability to art or manufacture, or the history of manufacturing itself. Steels tend to dislike absolute authority, however, even when wielded for good, and so while they have a working relationship with the Order of the Gold Dragon, they tend not to prefer their company.


Steels are craftspeople, and as such accept anyone within their ranks, particularly if they are dedicated to the production of something useful, beautiful, or both. Dwarves are frequently drawn to join the Order (sometimes on sabbatical from a merchant guild/clan), as do elves (and their love of working with the wood of the forest). Dragonborn are less often members, generally preferring action in the field over manufacture in the chapterhouse. A few halflings manage vast fields to grow food (and, yes, beer) for the Order, although the senior leaders of the Steels sometimes turn away in smiles when a halfling member reports a "wee slippage" in food production around their birthday.