Lord Ironhand Glowforge

lawful good male dwarf (mountain) fighter 9/artificer 5

Title: MasterSmith, Order of the Steel Dragon

Residence: Flakew

"Ironhand" Glowforge, formerly known as Morthen Glowforge, is called such for obvious reasons: his entire lower right arm is made of dwarven adamantium, magically replacing that which he lost in combat years ago while serving in the Order of the Silver Dragon. He generally doesn't really talk about it, but the legend is known widely among the Orders and he doesn't mind others telling it: While standing at the side of the Aftenish Tamarand, now Precentor Martial of the Order of the Gold Dragon, the pair faced off against an adult red dragon. The two battled the wyrm viciously; when Aftenish stumbled from a vicious claw-rake from the wyrm, Morthen raised his shield to defend them both from the dragon's breath weapon. The fire melted his shield and charred his arm, but gave Aftenish the time to recover. When the dragon finally paused, convinced it had roasted both to cinders, Tamarand sprang past his greviously wounded Silver partner, struck the beast a critical blow, and ended the dragon's life. Despite immediate attempts to heal the charred remnants of his arm, however, it was clear Morthen's arm would never again hold a shield.

When the master forgers of the Steel Order heard of the valiant dwarf, they immediately set to work with the best healers of the Silver and the best researchers of the Order of the Brass Dragon to determine how to make the artifact "Ironhand" now bears. It grants him greater strength and finer muscle control than he ever had, and he swore to return the favor by returning to his dwarven roots and crafting the best weapons and mail the Order could ever require. He routinely looks for ways to create similar artifacts for all members of the Order, and from his forge has come some amazing items in use all across the Draconic Orders.