Flakew (Liria)

Population: 45,000 -- 40% human, 45% Firstborn, 15% Created

Features: Capital, Port, Citadel, Walled, Marketplace, Shantytown

Flakew is a city in decline, and many who do not have to be here have already left for opportunities in other cities. It is said that before long, only the Order and the Emperor will remain, and even the Emperor usually tries to spend as little time as possible here already.


Control over the Lithalian Narrows put Flakew in a strong position to exert its control over the immediate shores surrounding it, and as such much of the strength of Flakew lies in its naval forces.

Authority Figures

Military Units

Draconic Order

Flakew is the home of the Draconic Order, and has its home chapterhouse here, which serves as the central point of administration for all of the orders. The lone chapterhouse of the Platinum is here, as is the Great Library of the Brass and the Bronze Academy. It is rumored that the Coppers' presence here is merely for show, preferring to do most of their actual work in a different location (so as to keep secrets more effectively), and the Steel Forges are located further up the coast, nearer to Storber for easier shipment.

Dueling Schools

Bardic Colleges

Great Houses

Mage Schools

Mercenary Companies


Rogues' Guilds