Order of the Silver Dragon

Leader: Lady Miirym Eyesbright

The Order of the Silver Dragon is the semi-militant arm of the Draconic Orders dedicated to being the protectors of mankind; where the Order of the Gold Dragon is the sword, and the Order of the Bronze Dragon the generals, the Silvers see themselves as the shield, seeking to protect, heal, and reduce the burdens that evil places on the mortal creatures of this realm. Silvers are generally more patient and less activist than the Golds or the Order of the Platinum Dragon, not usually going out of their way to bring justice to the world. Instead, Silvers wait for others to ask them for help. They will attempt to right an injustice if they see one, but they have no inclination to intentionally seek evil out and destroy it. In general Silver Brothers and Sisters are more interested in protecting the peoples it comes to care for than in looking for evil.

Silvers are no strangers to combat, however, and do practice their martial skills, particularly in conjunction with Golds and Platinums. Many Silvers train extensively with Gold or Platinum pairs, in fact, learning how to protect and/or heal their partner in combat. They are much more reluctant to participate in tournaments or "games", believing that combat is not a thing to be relished for itself. Some Silvers have gone so far as to adopt an entirely pacifist dogma, refusing to harm others even at the expense of their own life. These Silvers (the "Silver Hands" or "Silver Blessings" as they are sometimes known to call themselves) have incredible healing powers, including the resurrection of the recently-deceased, but can never intentionally inflict wounds.


Membership in the Silver Order is open to almost all classes. Fighters are welcome for their martial prowess, though they tend to take skills that enable them to defend others rather than deal out maximum damage. Clerics of Life in particular are welcome, as are druids for their concern for nature and its well-being. Magi whose spells are defensive and/or protective in nature are welcome among the Silvers, particularly if they have spells that pair well with combat knights. Thieves and assassins are calmly encouraged to seek out the Order of the Copper Dragon.


Silvers are welcome almost anywhere, and some Silver Brothers and Sisters have been known to take up an entirely nomadic lifestyle, wandering Azgaarnoth from top to bottom, offering medicine and healing in exchange for room and board. Silvers are even welcome within the boundaries of the Hordes and the Dread Empire, although they will be carefully watched to ensure they are not more than they seem.