Church of Kaevar

The Kaevarian Church is a monotheistic religion, holding that there is one God (Kaevar) from whom all other life and beings are created, including the Eldar and all of the races. Mildly popular all across Azgaarnoth, the Kaevarian Church does not stand against any worship of the Gods or the Eldar, but instead preaches that Kaevar operates through all of them, and that they who serve these "lesser gods" are actually serving the purposes of Kaevar Himself.

Leader: Pater Arn Tol Orheweth

Home: Migleme (Liria)

Kaevarian doctrine is one primarily around Law and Order; while good and evil exist in the world, the worst evils come when society breaks down as a whole. If fulfilling the law perpetuates evil, that is to be avoided, but sometimes tolerated, so long as the rule of law is maintained and perpetuated. "In time," Kaevarian priests will say, "the Law will make all things right." For this reason, Kaevarian temples are welcomed in Dradehalia: since the Dread Emperor is the Law, and Kaevar operates through the Law, it stands to reason that Kaevar operates through the Dread Emperor. (Other religious groups find this line of argument entirely self-serving, and it remains one of the most hotly debated elements of Kaevarian theology.)

Kaevarian priests encompass nearly all the clerical domains available; specifically, a Kaevarian cleric can choose from among the following domains:

  • Arcana: "Kaevar gives us the arcane, so that we might grow beyond the limits of the flesh."
  • Death and Grave: "Kaevar watches over us, even in death."
  • Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water: "Kaevar gives us the raw power of the elements to shape our lives"
  • Fertility: "Nothing is more precious to Kaevar than His children"
  • Forge: "Kaevar provides us the tools of our own betterment."
  • Healing: "Kaevar heals us when we are sick."
  • Knowledge: "Kaevar teaches."
  • Life: "Kaevar brings life to us."
  • Light: "Kaevar's light guides us and provides the way."
  • Nature: "Kaevar created the bounty of the world for us to enjoy."
  • Ocean and Sea: "Kaevar's hand parted the lands from the seas."
  • Order: "Kaevar set in motion the tracks of the stars and sky, the cycles of the seasons, and the very laws of physics themselves, all to ensure that everything is in its place in space and time."
  • Peace:
  • Protection: "Kaevar defends us and protects us."
  • Twilight: "Kaevar is with us at all stages of our lives."
  • War: "Kaevar smites our enemies, and commands us to do the same in His name."

Some domains (Blood, Chaos, Dark, Destruction, etc) are seen to belong to Kaevar's ancient enemy, about which little is known even by the most ancient Kaevarian scholars; some believe that Kaevar's Enemy is that being which created the demons and devils, in an ancient effort to destroy Kaevar's creation, but most

Kaevarian paladins (the Kaevarian Templar) serve Kaevar in the same way paladins do other gods, and are almost always assumed to be divinely inspired by Kaevar to accomplish a singular mission (of large scale, usually to take a lifetime) before their death.

Singularian Heresy

It is rumored that there is a heretical religious order within the Kaevarian Church that secretly works to eliminate all other religious worship in favor of Kaevar alone; while the Kaevarian Church disavows their theology and openly hunts those who promote the Singularian Heresy, it continues to operate, masquerading as Kaevarian clergy and subtly seeking to steer Kaevarian events to a universal worship of the One-and-only-True-God-of-All. These priests are almost always of the Unity and/or Zeal domains.