Pantheon: Maglubiyet

"The Mighty One"; the god of Goblinkind

Maglubiyet appears as an 11-foot tall hobgoblin with black skin and flaming eyes, with strong arms ending in sharp talons.

Maglubiyet's divine realm is Clangor, located in Avalas, the first layer of the plane of Acheron. The mightiest goblin city in Clangor was Shetring, a fortification with five bridges spanning the River Lorfang. Maglubiyet lives at the bottom of a waterfall of the river in a cavern of magnificently carved steel dripping with moisture. He also keeps a retreat in the fortified sacred site of Grashmog, which translated from the Goblin language meant the "Heart of Battle."

From his throne of flaming iron, Maglubiyet commands the souls of goblins, hobgoblins, and worgs to wage eternal war against the orcish petitioners of Gruumsh. He also employed baatezu to bolster his armies.

He is worshipped openly among the Hordes that still devote themselves to the Old Ways, and vies for followers against Gruumsh among them. Although most worship falls along clan lines, periodically one clan will raid another, taking slaves and absorbing the other, and "convince" One-Eye's followers of the superiority of The Mighty One.

Clerical details

Domains: War, Order, Unity

Weapon: Flail

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

The priests and shamans of Maglubiyet were his mouthpieces on the Material Plane. They fulfilled his demands for blood sacrifices by dispatching victims with an axe. They believed that these sacrifices strengthened Maglubiyet. His clergy was almost always drawn from the goblin and hobgoblin races. The tasloi also worshiped an aspect of Maglubiyet.

Maglubiyet communed with his priests through omens. Blood flowing from the edge of an axe, abnormal behavior in worgs and wolves, and speaking directly through shamans in a trance were all ways he made his will known.

Maglubiyet's holy day is the new moon and his holy weapon is the battleaxe. His goblin worshipers were sometimes referred to as the "sons of Maglubiyet."

Maglubiyet is served by Khurgorbaeyag, goblin god of slavery, oppression, and morale, and Bargrivyek, the god of co-operation and territory among the goblins. Nomog-Geaya, said to be the mother diety of hobgoblins, serves as his consort and pays fealty to Maglubiyet, despite potentially being even stronger than he.

Maglubiyet is an unpopular deity across the Pantheon.








Appearance, Manifestations