Pantheon: Gruumsh

One-Eye, The One-Eyed God, He-Who-Never-Sleeps, He-Who-Watches

At the time the Hordes began their war against the Eldar, Gruumsh, also known as Gruumsh One-Eye, was the patron deity of orcs, who regarded him as the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory. Over time, the Hordes found Gruumsh's tastes and dictates to be less and less appealing, and millennia after the Fall, Gruumsh holds sway over far fewer worshippers than he once did. Those that worship him, though, do so wholeheartedly, and he is said to be quick to reward them who embrace his teachings.

Gruumsh One-Eye drives his followers to overcome all foes, expand their territories, and claim what they believe is rightfully theirs. He revels in warfare and combat, and teaches that only through constant warfare can the strongest, most brutal orcs survive to beget even stronger future generations. One-Eye epitomizes the brutal savagery and drive to dominate all other creatures that is at the heart of orc society. He is ever watchful of his followers, and woe betide those who transgress him or his priests.

Gruumsh is a widely worshipped deity among the Ulmhorde, and it is whispered in some circles that Ulm himself is an avatar of Gruumsh, or least highly blessed of One-Eye's favor. Either way, he is worshipped openly among the Hordes that still devote themselves to the Old Ways, and vies for followers against Maglubiyet among them. Although most worship falls along clan lines, periodically one clan will raid another, taking slaves and absorbing the other, and "convince" the 'Mighty' One's followers of the superiority of He Who Never Sleeps.

Clerical details

Domains: Fire, Tempest, War

Weapon: Spear

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Gruumsh is particular about those who can speak his name directly; "Gruumsh sees only victory!" and "Blood for the One-Eye!" are common oaths, as is "By his bloody spear!"

The church of Gruumsh dominates most orcish tribes, and all other priesthoods are nominally subservient to it. Powerful specialty priests, clerics, and crusaders of Gruumsh are sometimes tribal chieftains, but more often they are advisors and war leaders, whereas shamans and witch-doctors are almost always advisors. They push their tribes to wage war and expand their territory, and are tasked with eliminating the weak, sickly, and infirm in order to keep the tribe strong and healthy. One-Eye's clergy can be very vindictive; they do not hesitate to put an orc into a dangerous situation, or eliminate them outright, if they feel they have been slighted. Gruumshan priests have great say in who becomes chief of a tribe, and the clergy will undermine a chief who opposes their goals.


The ceremonial garb of Gruumsh's priests varies from tribe to tribe, but always includes a ceremonial iron spear, which is usually used to slay sacrifices. Blacks and dark reds are predominant whatever type of garments they wear as well, and the priests always wear some form of ceremonial armor, painted black, and some priests also don a red-painted open-faced helmet. Their holy symbol is made of black iron whenever possible, although if iron working skills are lacking in the tribe, carved stone or wood is a suitable replacement. The symbol usually is hung from the neck on a thong or chain, and the priest always includes trophies from past sacrifices and defeated enemies (teeth, ears, etc.) on it as well.

When adventuring, travelling, or going to war, priests of Gruumsh always utilize the best armor they can find, and will paint it black, if possible. They wear their holy symbol as above, and utilize either a spear or the best weapon they are proficient in. All their other clothing and equipment is indistinguishable from any other orc's gear.


Novices in the service of One-Eye are called the Watched. Full priests are known as Everwatchers. There is no uniform hierarchy amongst the tribes, and the chief priest position is always held by the strongest. Specialty priests are known as Bloodspears. Many shamans are not part of the clerical hierarchy, although they are considered brothers of the faith, and are often given great deference, even when the spirits seem to contradict Gruumsh's dictates.


The priesthood of He Who Watches does not build many temples. They usually perform their services in a specially designated area within the tribal encampment, or in a nearby cave or grotto. In ancient times, when orcish tribes took the homes of their opponents they would frequently defile their temples and use them for their own religious ceremonies. Today, enough ruins lie across the landscape of Azgaarnoth that it is not hard to find the ruins of a temple in which to conduct ceremonies.

The few Gruumshan temples (most within Ulm, though some still dot the landscape in Tragekia) that have been built tend to resemble small, squat fortresses made of large, dark stone blocks. The interiors are dark, dirty, and frequently covered in the dried blood of old ceremonies.


He Who Watches requires frequent sacrifices, on at least a weekly basis. The typical method of sacrifice involves securing a creature to a steeply angled altar and piercing their torso with a ceremonial iron spear; these are always designed to be wounds that cause a slow death, and the blood drains into a pool at the base of the altar. This kind of sacrifice is symbolic of Gruumsh's suffering at the hands of rival gods. Elven victims are preferred, but any creature will do.



The most devout followers of He Who Never Sleeps are a cabal known as the Fury of the Eye, the most zealous and ruthless religious movement among the Ulmhorde. They actively seek to drive their tribes toward conquest and the annihilation of their enemies. Initiation to the Fury of the Eye may include acts of sacrifice to One-Eye or the enslavement of particularly reviled foes of the orcs.

The Swords of Gruumsh is an militant order associated with (and sponsored by) One-Eye's church. It is believed that this organization was created through direct intervention by Gruumsh on all worlds where he is worshiped. Swords of Gruumsh operate in groups of no more than six individuals, all specialized in combat (a band that has operated together for more than six months receives a +1 to any attack roll, on top of any other bonuses they may have), carry out the wishes of Gruumsh (usually as dictated to them by the church and/or Ulm or one of his Warchiefs), and despise the Hordish tribes that have abandoned the old ways, seeking them out above all other enemies. It is not uncommon for a band to journey to Yithi (or, particularly, Zhi) and look to wipe out a settlement, just for fun.


Gruumsh teaches his followers that the strong are meant to rule and the weak are meant to be crushed, their flesh rended and their blood spilled, their bodies killed or enslaved, because purging the world of weakness is what is best for all. Slavery is usually only a brief reprieve before death. Runts and cripples are more than just a burden on society, but a sign of Gruumsh's disfavor, marked by their weakness for elimination. That which does not kill an orc only makes them stronger.