
Brigantia is a god of magic and fertility, a patron of marriage, and a god of motherhood. Her dominion over water represents the ancient rivers that are the source of fertility and life.

Brigantia is a woman of even temper and great dedication. She is a regal and noble deity who is eager to share the knowledge of the gods with humanity and often goes to great lengths to introduce her worshipers to new concepts and ideas. In many cases, these new ideas take the form of magical spells. Brigantia often finds the antics of mortals amusing, but she is a kind, understanding goddess who cares greatly for her worshipers and all the peoples of Azgaarnoth. Her worshipers can be found all over Azgaarnoth, including a growing following among the traditional clans within Yithi, Zhi, and Tragekia, as well as the Lirian and western nations.

Clerical details

Domains: Arcana, Nature, Fertility, Water

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Clerics of Brigantia spend their days overseeing the agricultural production of the nation's farms, particularly during planting time. Brigantia's high clerics often use weather control spells to ensure a bountiful harvest. Members of her clergy also administer marriage ceremonies, work as matchmakers for those in search of a mate, serve as go-betweens for lovers, and counsel young mothers on raising their children. They often fashion small charms for those whose deeds have won the goddess's favor, and sometimes they will even fashion unobtrusive magic items to serve good causes or lighten the burden of the common people.

Most clerics of Brigantia eventually multiclass as wizards, while her druids sometimes multiclass as sorcerers.


Brigantia encourages her faithful to be out in the fields, working to obtain the best harvest, both literally and figuratively. As a result, most clerics of Brigantia wear simple clothing, designed for outdoor agricultural work.


The church of Brigantia is hierarchically organized so as to ensure orderly planting and reaping of the harvest. Most temples have a small clerical staff, with a high priest overseeing the education and growth of the temple, so so that the priests of the temple can be out and about in the community doing Brigantia's work.


Brigantia's temples are found everywhere the pantheon is revered.


Clerics and druids of Brigantia pray for their spells at just before the first morning meal. They celebrate the Shift in the Winds each time the weather changes for the better and utter quiet thanks to the goddess. Every time they cross a river, they must drink deeply and give thanks for the goddess's bounty. Finally, they must bless each meal given by the goddess's bounty before partaking of a single bite.


The two most sacred days for the clergy of Brigantia are Greengrass and Highharvestide. During the first festival, the clergy of Brigantia give thanks to the goddess for her aid in the planting, and during the second they give thanks to both Brigantia and Osiris for their help with the harvest. Both days are occasions for joyous celebration and wild revels, and all who participate in farming join in them along with the clergy.


Encourage love, affection, and marriage in the citizens of Mulhorand. Sow the seeds of happiness, family, and food wherever you go and provide wise counsel for those in need. Use your magic to benefit the people, particularly by shaping the weather to serve the populace.

In her purest essence, Brigantia represents the power of love to overcome death. When Gruumsh killed her husband Azuth, Brigantia searched the land to find his body and labored to restore him to life. While she searched, she took on his aspect of Arcana, so that his responsibilities would not be shirked. The strength of her love combined with her power to conquer death make her possibly one of the most popular of the deities. She is an approachable deity, for she loves her worshipers as much as she loves her husband, and she offers them the same gift: everlasting life in the peaceful bliss of the Offering Fields.

Vestiges of her time as the goddess of arcana continues to cling to her, particularly as she is now often her husband's partner in arcana. Though wizards and sorcerers revere her, she also receives veneration in the form of countless charms with minor magical powers created in her name, making even her mysteries accessible to the masses of her followers.

Naturally, Brigantia is a great enemy of her husband's murderer and encourages her followers to oppose Gruumsh and his minions in the world.