Militant Order: Seafolk Defenders

(~2,500 fighters, paladins, and clerics)

The Seafolk Defenders are a recent (within the last half-millennium) organization, founded by some radical merfolk who felt the world above land was making itself too greatly felt in the Undersea. That they also feel that other races and groups in the Undersea should look to them for leadership against the Drylanders is a natural consequence of this position--were someone else or some other organization in the Undersea capable and worthy of leading the Undersea against the the Drylanders, the Defenders would happily swear oaths, but alas, no such individual or organization exists. Thus, it is left to the Defenders to carry on their divinely-defined task.

Among those of the Undersea, Seafolk Defenders constitute a sub-group which splintered off from ordinary merfolk based on their uniquely religious fervor and unusually hostile attitude toward land-dwelling creatures. Seafolk Defenders see themselves as defenders of the primal power of the water gods, and believe the gods of the other elements - particularly those of the earth - constantly seek to destroy the water gods and everything they created. Therefore, they hate and fear land-based creatures instinctively, and are more than likely to attack any they come across on sight.


Many of the first Defenders are merfolk, thus giving them their common name. (Officially, the Defenders refer to themselves as the "Defenders of the Great and Glorious Seas".) Some sea elves have found the cause to be noble and just, as do some sirens, tritons and water genasi, but the movement remains merfolk-centric, well over 50% of the Defenders' numbers. While they often make use of Drylander spies, no non-Undersea members are officially permitted. Yuan-ti are thought to be too unreliable to make good Defenders, and lizardfolk are reviled for their amphibious ("polluted") natures.

Roughly 40% of the Defenders are clerics, an equal number fighters, and the remainder paladins, though all classes can be found within their ranks--the use of a rogue or wizard, for example, cannot be understated when working against the Drylanders.

When encountering Seafolk Defenders, they very proudly proclaim their loyalties, and most wear the Defender symbology--a trident against azure-blue sea waves--prominently somewhere on their person (armor, clothing, weaponry, and so on). Upon spotting shipborne Drylanders, they will typically shout a battle cry ("The Seafolk Defenders decry your profane presence!") before attacking. If the Defenders spot Drylanders actually in the seas (swimming or using some form of magic that permits them easier Undersea access, such as a cloak of the manta ray), they will attack on sight without hesitation, and without retreat or surrender. On land, a Defender band will fight until victory or until it is apparent victory is not to be had (usually at 50% casualties, unless their opponents have suffered worse), at which point they will retreat to the nearest shore. Most Merfolk Defender bands will not raid on shore without specific targets in mind.


When encountered outside of their lairs, Seafolk Defenders usually organize along the following lines:

  • Company (2-4)
  • Patrol (11-20 plus 2x3rd-level lieutenants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level)
  • Band (30-60 plus 1x3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 5x5th-level lieutenants, 3x7th-level captains, and 10 porpoises)

Generally a high priest, an adept of 7th level or higher, leads merfolk defender communities, though it is not uncommon to see the high priest be a paladin rather than a cleric.


Seafolk Defenders often prey on Merchant Guild without mercy, in the name of their defense of the Undersea. (Something about "Drylander pollution of the divine sea".) However, certain Defender pods have been known to strike "protection" deals with a Guild: the Guild's ships aren't targeted by the Defenders, in exchange for gold or treasure. Most Guilds typically assume Seafolk Defenders are hostile, and will generally attack first.

Rogues Guilds, on the other hand, find themselves in a natural position of partnership with the Defenders--the Merfolk often want to disrupt seaborne shipping, and most rogues in the area are happy to comply with a few of the Defenders' superstitions and pay lip service to the goals and aims of the Defenders if it will yield up much cargo for little work.

Most Mage Schools have little to nothing to do with the Defenders; likewise most Monastic Orders, except where either has specific interest in the seas (such as the Five Elements mage school, for example).

The Seafolk Defenders try very hard to remain unnoticed by the Draconic Order, thinking (correctly) that the Dragon Knights would find the Defenders' divine assumption of worldly control to be in conflict with Draconic ideals.