Mage School: Nethermancers

Home: unknown

Enrollment: ~250

Motto: "Shadows Within Shadows"

Nethermancers, when they don't find themselves in the Midnight Shadow school, tend to form small clusters of cells, almost like a school but entirely independent of one another. Typically, a high-level Nethermancer will take on a few apprentices along with others who are comfortable or favor the border between light and dark, and those apprentices might continue to learn from the master as journeymen Nethermancers, gathering a few more apprentices as they do, until the cell reaches dozens or so in size. Usually at that point, the cell will fracture, the journeymen taking some of the apprentices with them, until the high-level Nethermancer is alone again to repeat the cycle.


Clerics of the Shadow domain,



Restricted Spells