Mage School: Green Star Adepts

Home: Ilhagos

Enrollment: ~50

Motto: None

When those advisors who came north to Zhi found a small sliver of an immensely powerful green meteorite near the mouth of the Reri River, several of them began investigation into its arcane powers, a study that continues to this day. These magi immediately founded an encampment, which turned into a small village, then town, and now serves as the city of Ilhagos, where Green Star Adepts move freely about the countryside (and, later, the whole of the continent), seeking more of the slivers of the mysterious and powerful gem.


Only those who are dedicated to the study of the Star are permitted membership; this limits membership only to those who have studied the arcane tradition of the Green Star, or those sorcerers been born with the power of the Star flowing through their veins.



Restricted Spells

These spells are only available to members of the school, and are never permitted to fall into the hands of non-members. Any Green Star Adept who witnesses a non-member utilizing one of these spells is under solemn oath to rectify the situation--usually by subtle means (stealing the page out of the spellbook, for example) rather than violence.