Arcane Tradition: Green Star Adept

Arcanists often use magic to create, destroy, transform, or alter the things around them. Some wizards even work to use magic to change themselves on a fundamental level - to become infused with magic itself. The Green Star of Ilhagos, as it's referred to by those who have studied it, fell to the ground in the first age of the world, shattering and sending splinters all across the world. Those who choose to study the splinters join the Green Star school of magic, are called Green Star Adepts, and infuse their bodies with the essence of this enchanted meteorite, changing themselves to living foci to channel their magical power.

Inevitably, anyone who has possession of, or exposure to, a sliver of the Gren Star of Ilhagos will find themselves drawn to or in the company of the Green Star school. Try as they might to avoid it, inevitably the Green Star calls home its own.

Green Star Admixture

Starting at 2nd level, your character imbibes regular alchemical mixtures; including trace amounts of green star metal. Your skin thickens and hardens, with tiny shards of emerald crystals growing where calluses and scars would mark your skin. This grants you the following benefits: * While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. * Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 10th level, and finally 1d10 at 18th level.

Star Expert

Starting at 2nd level, add your Intelligence modifier to any ability check which involves the sky or heavens; such as navigating by the stars, determining the time of day, or predicting the weather. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can make your emerald crystals glow, which sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius. You can dismiss this effect at will.

Jade Skin

Beginning at 6th level, your body shape changes, with hard edged planes forming across your skin. A green hue coats your body from head to toe. This change grants your body exceptional toughness. You can add your Intelligence modifier to Strength and Constitution saving throws. Whenever a critical hit is scored against you, make a Constitution saving throw. Use the modified attack roll total as the DC. If you succeed, the critical hit becomes a normal hit.

Arcane Focus

Starting at 10th level, you no longer need a spellcasting focus for any spells you cast. Your spell attacks against creatures within melee reach deal additional damage equal to your unarmed attacks.

Additionally, any spell you cast with a target of self that you cast without using a higher level spell slot, counts as though you had cast the spell using a spell slot one level higher than the slot used. You regain the use of this ability after finishing a short or long rest.

Emerald Perfection

Starting at 14th level, your appearance looks like a sculpture of carved emeralds. You no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and you are immune to poison damage and disease. You do not suffer from exhaustion and you are immune to the deafened, incapacitated, petrified, poisoned, stunned, and unconscious conditions.

Green Star Unique Spells

