Mage School: Drowning Monument

Home: Shiagan

Enrollment: ~50

Motto: "From the seas"

The Drowning Monument school focuses on weather and sea magic. They are often sought as guides/escorts/"weather mages" for the many Guilds that operate out of Shiagan, and their magic is geared towards maritime combat. Drowning Monument magi rarely spend much time on land, and many have spent as much time under water as they do above it. The Master of the School, a recluse, is rumored to be a tortle of great power.


Membership in the Drowning Monument is open to any arcane caster (bard, sorcerer, wizard) who embraces weather magic. Among wizards, hydromancers are welcome, as are diviners, conjurers, and evokers. Among sorcerers, Seacallers and Storm sorcerers are particularly welcome, though most sorcerers are generally welcome, even FireSpeakers, given the need to put fires out on ships as quickly as possible. Among the bards, typically the more swashbuckling of them are drawn to the sea, so the Drowning Monument finds itself taking on the odd Swords and Valor bards.

Of the membership, most are out on contract, leaving only a small handful (5-10) to "mind the store" in Shiagan. The school's physical offices are in a small building just inside the Outer Ring Wall, in the Iron Piers district, and the Master of the School, a tortle wizard (hydromancer) 15, is sometimes spotted slipping in or out of the water from the school's seaside dock.



Game Notes

Restricted Spells