Great Roads of Azgaarnoth

The Al'Uman Road

(runs from Zvelaino to Fenpreloval before turning southeast to Heral)

Known as the Yithian Road once it crosses into Yithi, the Al'Uman Road is the major thoroughfare runnign east-west through almost the entirety of the Alalihatian Caliphate before crossing into the Zalabasan Caliphate, meeting up with the Zalabasan Highway, and continuing from there into Yithi.

The Al'Uman Road is one of the engineering marvels of the Azgaarnothian world, made out of materials lost to time (and thought to be direct product of the Eldar's labor). It is a smooth, slightly-stubbled rock, grayish in color but resistant to nearly any force applied to it. The only other road that appears to be made out of the same material is that of the Kingsroad in Liria.

The Dawn Way

The Lirian Kingsroad

(runs from Flakew to Mighal around the entirety of the Sea of Liria)

The Lirian Kingsroad, one of the "Great Roads" dating back to the time of the Eldar, stretches across nearly the entire crescent of the Lirian continent, from Flakew all the way around the Sea of Liria to Mighal. Ancient pylons near Lithal suggest that at one time there was a bridge stretching across the narrow isthmus of water at the opening of the Sea, but if so it has long since fallen into the Sea. Ferries still run from Flakew to Lithal, however, possibly following the same route the bridge once took.

The Kingsroad is well-traveled, and the Lirian Kingsguard make regular patrols down the road on a daily basis, making it one of the safest routes for merchant traffic anywhere in Lithia. These patrols also do light maintenance on the Kingsroad as part of their patrol, ensuring no convenient copse of trees for bandit ambush. Inns and towns lie either alongside the road or down very short roads branching off of the Kingsroad, and many of those inns have regular standing barracks for Lirian Kingsguard to use during patrols. These inns are almost always of above-average quality, and moderately priced.

Many of the Kingsroad inns are also homes to small mercenary companies that focus on caravan escort--this is often the work taken up by older mercenaries who are not quite ready for retirement. Quite a few merchant guilds have offices and warehouses along the Kingsroad, as well, and it is not uncommon to see a town that sprang up almost entirely around a couple of guild warehouses.

The Yithian Road

(runs from Zvelaino to Fenpreloval before turning southeast to Heral)

The Yithian Road is one of the engineering marvels of the Azgaarnothian world, made out of materials lost to time (and thought to be direct product of Eldar efforts). It is a smooth, slightly-stubbled rock, grayish in color but resistant to nearly any force applied to it. The only other road that appears to be made out of the same material is that of the Kingsroad in Liria.

The Zhian Route

(runs from Fenpreloval to Nacoal)

The Zhian Route is a source of pride to the Zhian scholars who produced it shortly after the founding of Zhi. Although not as permanent as the substance that makes up the Al'Uman/Yithian Road, it resists damage far better than most materials, and it is rumored that when necessary, certain Yithi and Zhian riders can ride the Route for days without tiring or hunger. It appears as a slightly-lighter color than the Al'Uman/Yithian road material, but some travelers have told stories of how it will sometimes appear to faintly glow a greenish color at night.