Background: Artisan

"The best is always of dwarven make." A saying that has echoed down through the centuries, it remains true to this day, and serves as the backbone of the dwarven clans-turned-Merchant Guilds. Of course, by this point in Azgaarnoth's history, thousands of years have passed by since dwarven artisanry was restricted to dwarves, and you are but the latest in a long line of those who feel the itch in their hands to make things and bring beauty--often through utility, but sometimes raw beauty--into the world.

You are one of those who prefer the life of the independent artisan, building what you find beautiful and useful, rather than being told by Guild Masters what to build and when to build it. It is a harder life, in some ways, not having the wealth and reach of a Guild, but the freedom is unparalleled, and you are not caught up in the Merchant Guild rivalries--in many cases, you can sell your wares right alongside Guild merchants, invisible to them as they wrestle with each other over "exclusivity" and "market share agreements".

In some cases, you might even be partnered up with Smugglers who sneak your work past the watchful eyes of nobility, the city watch and/or other Merchant Guilds.

Skill Proficiencies

History, Insight

Tool Proficiencies

One type of artisan's tools


Dwarvish or one other of your choice if you already speak Dwarvish


A set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient, a maker's mark chisel used to mark your handiwork with the symbol of the clan of crafters you learned your skill from, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 5gp and a gem worth 10gp


Respect of the Crafters

As well respected as artisans are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your compatriots) the finest accommodations and assistance. This respect often carries over into various Merchant Guilds as well, so long as they do not compete with you for sales.

This also applies to other artisans, whether Guild-affiliated or not.

Suggested Characteristics

Use the tables for the guild artisan background as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity. (For instance, consider the words "guild" and "clan" to be interchangeable.)

Your bond is almost certainly related to the master or the clan that taught you, or else to the work that you produce. Your ideal might have to do with maintaining the high quality of your work or preserving the dwarven traditions of craftsmanship.