Background: Smuggler

Nobles and nations often feel they have a "right" to take a percentage of a merchant's profits. Some see it differently. Law protects "legitimate" trade, trade that passes through the cities' gates, but nobility's historic demand for gold and disdain for certain goods and services create great demand and great risk for smugglers, who shepherd illicit goods and non-humans in and out of cities, villages, and towns by secret routes and hidden trails. Rogues' Guilds always seek to control all of this activity, taking its cut from sanctioned jobs and exacting punishment for independent jobs, but many have found ways to bypass even the illegal organizations that seek a cut of a merchant's hard-earned profits.

Perhaps you trafficked exotic goods to avoid tariffs, or contraband to avoid seizure, or maybe you are sympathetic to those who seek to leave the nation of their birth (or capture) and worked as part of a network of secret routes and safe houses that helps them pass into other lands. Either way, you have contacts in the smuggling community who can help you slip into and out of a city or place unnoticed... for a price.

Skill Proficiencies

Perception, Stealth

Language Proficiencies

One racial language

Tool Proficiencies

Forgery kit


A forgery kit, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 5gp

Feature: Secret Passage

You can call on your contacts within the smuggling community to secure secret passage into or out of a city for yourself and your adventuring companions, no questions asked, no legal/noble entanglements. Because you’re calling in a favor, you can’t be certain they will be able to help on your timetable or at all (that is, your GM will determine whether you can be smuggled into or out of the city). In return for your passage, you and your companions may owe a Rogues' Guild or the independent smuggler a favor in return and/or may have to pay bribes.

Personality Traits

d8 Personality Trait 1 When I'm not smuggling, I gamble. 2 I just love halfling cooking and baking! 3 I party with dwarves whenever I can. 4 I'm a terrible singer, but I love to do it. 5 I was raised to honor Chauntea and still do. 6 The blood sports of the dueling colleges sicken me. 7 I think non-humans are really interesting. 8 I exaggerate the tales of my exploits.


d6 Ideal 1 Fair. I think everyone deserves to be treated fairly. I don't play favorites. (Lawful) 2 Impulsive. Planning is often a waste of time. No plan survives contact with reality. It's easier to dive in and deal with the consequences. (Chaotic) 3 Curious. I want to learn as much as I can about the people and places I encounter. (Any) 4 Prepared. I think success depends on preparing as much as possible in advance. (Any) 5 Respectful. I think everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, creed, color, or origin. (Good) 6 Corrupt. I will break the law or act dishonestly if the money is right. (Evil)


d6 Bond 1 I am loyal to a Rogues' Guild and would do anything for them. 2 I love my city of birth and my fellow citizens, no matter what problems they face. 3 I admire the elves. I help them whenever I can. 4 A gnome helped me once. I pay the favor forward. 5 I enjoy tricking the authorities at every opportunity. 6 I smuggled agricultural goods for poor folks who cannot otherwise survive. I try to help them when I can.


d6 Flaw 1 My hatred for city watch burns so brightly that I have difficulty suppressing it around them. 2 A city watch caught me once before, and I was branded for my crime. If they catch me again, for any offense, the punishment will be dire. 3 I treat all law-abiding citizens poorly. I am disgusted with their failure to revolt against their oppressors. 4 I have difficulty trusting strangers. Anyone could be a spy for the authorities. 5 I am greedy. There isn't much I won't do for money. 6 I'm an informant for the an organization (a Rogues' Guild or another organization). They let me continue my activities, so long as I pass them information about illegal activity I see.