
Humans, the second generation of the races created by the Eldar, are the numerically largest racial segment of Azgaarnoth, forming the backbone of many, if not most, of the cities and nations of Azgaarnoth, except for those of the Hordish lands.

Jump to: Human | Half-Elf | Half-Orc | Human Veteran | Half-Elf Druid

Humans are also genetically compatible with many of the other races across Azgaarnoth, leading to a number of "half-" races (such as half-orcs or half-elves) that also permeate much of Azgaarnoth's racial fabric.


In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the the druidngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.

A Broad Spectrum. With their penchant for migration and conquest, humans are more physically diverse than other common races. There is no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair colors from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight); males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. A lot of humans have a dash of nonhuman blood, revealing hints of elf, orc, or other lineages. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century.

Variety in All Things. Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. They have widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands where they have settled. When they settle, though, they stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great kingdoms that can persist for long centuries. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.

Lasting Institutions. Where a single elf or dwarf might take on the responsibility of guarding a special location or a powerful secret, humans found sacred orders and institutions for such purposes. While dwarf clans and halfling elders pass on the ancient traditions to each new generation, human temples, governments, libraries, and codes of law fix their traditions in the bedrock of history. Humans dream of immortality, but (except for those few who seek undeath or divine ascension to escape death’s clutches) they achieve it by ensuring that they will be remembered when they are gone.

Although some humans can be xenophobic, in general their societies are inclusive. Human lands welcome large numbers of nonhumans compared to the proportion of humans who live in nonhuman lands.

Exemplars of Ambition. Humans who seek adventure are the most daring and ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race. They seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows by amassing power, wealth, and fame. More than other people, humans champion causes rather than territories or groups.

Human Names and Ethnicities. Having so much more variety than other cultures, humans as a whole have no typical names. Some human parents give their children names from other languages, such as Dwarvish or Elvish (pronounced more or less correctly), but most parents give names that are linked to their region’s culture or to the naming traditions of their ancestors.


Medium humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 (1d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Skills
  • Senses blindsight 10 ft.,passive Perception 9
  • Languages
  • Challenge 0


Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Human Veteran

The human veteran is one of those soliders who has survived a few years in one of the innumerable military groups all over Azgaarnoth. She's learned a few things, and she's got the scars to prove it.


Arctic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Ruins, Swamp, Underdark, Urban



Medium humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (chain shirt (14), DEX (+2))
  • Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 24)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Skills Perception +4
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 3

Military Training. The veteran has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the soldier's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Multiattack. The veteran can attack four times (twice with its longsword, twice with its shortsword).

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage, or 12 (1d10 + 6) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80 ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.


Parry. The veteran adds their Proficiency Bonus to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the veteran must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


Walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither, half-elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their elf and human parents: human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the elves. Some half-elves live among humans, set apart by their emotional and physical differences, watching friends and loved ones age while time barely touches them. Others live with the elves, growing restless as they reach adulthood in the timeless elven realms, while their peers continue to live as children. Many half-elves, unable to fit into either society, choose lives of solitary wandering or join with other misfits and outcasts in the adventuring life.

Of Two Worlds. To humans, half-elves look like elves, and to elves, they look human. In height, they’re on par with both parents, though they’re neither as slender as elves nor as broad as humans. They range from under 5 feet to about 6 feet tall, and from 100 to 180 pounds, with men only slightly taller and heavier than women. Half-elf men do have facial hair, and sometimes grow beards to mask their elven ancestry. Half-elven coloration and features lie somewhere between their human and elf parents, and thus show a variety even more pronounced than that found among either race. They tend to have the eyes of their elven parents.

Diplomats or Wanderers. Half-elves have no lands of their own, though they are welcome in human cities and somewhat less welcome in elven forests. In large cities in regions where elves and humans interact often, half-elves are sometimes numerous enough to form small communities of their own. They enjoy the company of other half-elves, the only people who truly understand what it is to live between these two worlds.

In most parts of the world, though, half-elves are uncommon enough that one might live for years without meeting another. Some half-elves prefer to avoid company altogether, wandering the wilds as trappers, foresters, hunters, or adventurers and visiting civilization only rarely. Like elves, they are driven by the wanderlust that comes of their longevity. Others, in contrast, throw themselves into the thick of society, putting their charisma and social skills to great use in diplomatic roles or as swindlers.

Half-Elf Names

Half-elves use either human or elven naming conventions. As if to emphasize that they don’t really fit in to either society, half-elves raised among humans are often given elven names, and those raised among elves often take human names.


Medium humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 (1d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Skills
  • Senses blindsight 10 ft.,passive Perception 9
  • Languages
  • Challenge 0


Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Half-Elf Druid

Some half-elves feel the pull of nature through their elven side, while others choose to embrace a life away from either human or elven influence by choosing trees and animals instead. Druids dwell in forests and other secluded wilderness locations, where they protect the natural world from monsters and the encroachment of civilization.


Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp


Half-Elf Druid

Medium humanoid (human, elf), chaotic neutral

  • Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin)
  • Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +4
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Skills Medicine +4,Nature +3,Perception +4
  • Senses Passive Perception 14
  • Languages Druidic,Common,Sylvan
  • Challenge 2


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+4 to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands, or 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage with shillelagh.

Spellcasting. The druid is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following druid spells prepared:

Wild Shape (2/Recharge on short or long rest). The druid can magically assume the shape of a (non-flying) beast, such as a wolf or crocodile for up to 2 hours or until dismissed using a bonus action. The druid resumes their normal form if they die or fall unconscious.


Whether united under the leadership of a mighty warlock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, orc and human communities, sometimes form alliances. When these alliances are sealed by marriages, half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud leaders of orc communities. Some venture into the world to prove their worth. Many of these become adventurers, achieving greatness for their mighty deeds.

Scarred and Strong. Half-orcs exhibit a blend of orcish and human characteristics, and their appearance varies widely. Grayish skin tones and prominent teeth are the most common shared elements among these folk.

Orcs regard battle scars as tokens of pride and ornamental scars as things of beauty. Other scars, though, mark an orc or half-orc as a former prisoner or a disgraced exile. Any half-orc who has lived among or near orcs has scars, whether they are marks of humiliation or of pride, recounting their past exploits and injuries.

The Mark of Gruumsh. The one-eyed god Gruumsh—lord of war and fury—created the first orcs, and even those orcs who turn away from his worship carry his blessings of might and endurance. The same is true of half-orcs. Some half-orcs hear the whispers of Gruumsh in their dreams, calling them to unleash the rage that simmers within them. Others feel Gruumsh’s exultation when they join in melee combat — and either exult along with him or shiver with fear and loathing.

Beyond the rage of Gruumsh, half-orcs feel emotion powerfully. Rage doesn’t just quicken their pulse, it makes their bodies burn. An insult stings like acid, and sadness saps their strength. But they laugh loudly and heartily, and simple pleasures — feasting, drinking, wrestling, drumming, and wild dancing — fill their hearts with joy. They tend to be short-tempered and sometimes sullen, more inclined to action than contemplation and to fighting than arguing. And when their hearts swell with love, they leap to perform acts of great kindness and compassion.

Half-Orc Names

Half-orcs usually have names appropriate to the culture in which they were raised. A half-orc who wants to fit in among humans might trade an orc name for a human name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes them more intimidating.


Medium humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment

  • Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 (1d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Skills Intimidation +2
  • Senses darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 9
  • Languages
  • Challenge 0

Relentless Endurance. When the druid are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, the druid can drop to 1 hit point instead. the druid can’t use this feature again until the druid finish a long rest.

Savage Attacks. When the druid score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, the druid can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.


Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.