Pantheon: Talos

The Destroyer, the Storm Lord

Talos is the deity of storms and destruction. His dogma is self-serving, demanding utter obedience from his priests and instructing them to spread destruction where they might.

Clerical details

Domains: Air, Tempest, Zeal

Weapon: Hammer

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Talos inspires worship in those who fear the destructive power of nature. Worshippers include barbarians, fighters, druids, and half-orcs. They believe in grabbing what they can when they can, for Talos may take their lives at any time. They believe in fearlessly embracing natural disaster; in doing so they demonstrate the power of Talos, who protects them from harm. They preach that only worship of Talos can protect against natural disasters, and at Talos' whim they hurl such disasters at foes.

The church of Talos is small by the standards of a greater deity, and almost universally despised. Followers of Talos are fanatical in their love of destruction.

Talassan clergy should make all fear Talos by showing the destruction that he and all of his servants can cause. To avoid tasting his fury, they are to pray to him energetically and tell all folk that such observances - and only such observances - can protect them from the furies of the gales, hailstorms, winds, floods, droughts, blizzards, hurricanes, and other natural dooms. Priests of Talos are fond of extorting sailors and farmers, threatening that Talos will bring destructive storms upon them if they do not placate the angry god.

Such forces can also be hurled at one's foes - an advancing orc horde, for instance - if Talos deems a place or a person worth defending. So one cannot afford to ignore Talos, but must bow down and worship him. The clergy of Talos are to proclaim this message to all and show everyone the destruction even the slightest of the servants of Talos can cause.

Talos wishes for more worshippers, and his clerics are committed evangelists who seek to gain converts through fear or the enticement of raw power. They are wont to pursue wealth, luxury and wantonness. Many indulge in acts of random or spiteful violence, pillage and banditry. Talassan clerics attack in groups to raze settlements that attempt to resist them.


Clerics of Talos wear black robes and cloaks shot through with teardrops and jagged lines of gold and silver while high clergy wear blue-white ceremonial robes streaked with crimson; all of whom wear an eye patch.


The clergy has no formal hierarchy; obedience is enforced through might.


Worship of Talos was outlawed in many countries. Most Talossan holy sites were secret because of the church's reputation. Public churches often took the form of castles or fortified strongholds that lay on earthquake fault lines or in the path of storms or lava; Talos ensured they remain unscathed.


Clerics of Talos celebrate Talossan festivals with ceremonies that summon lightning and storms.

Calling Down the Thunder: A Talossan ritual that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being by lightning.

The Fury: A ceremony in which the cleric prays, and then makes berserk attacks to wreak as much destruction as possible in a small amount of time, then pray again.



The existence of religious orders affiliated with Talos are shrouded in mystery and rumor. Two speculated groups are:

Lords of the Tempest: A group of wizards that specialize in combining elemental magic.

Circle of Rust and the Worm: A cabal of insane sages and mystics of various disciplines with the aim of destroying the world.

Liches: Some say Talos has sponsored certain necromancers into lichdom.


Talos the Destroyer is the dark side of nature, the uncaring and destructive force that lies waiting to strike at any time. Talassans are taught that life is a combination of random effects and chaos, so the devout should grab what they can, when they can, as who can say when Talos will strike and bring them into the afterlife.