Pantheon: Onatar

Workman of the Immortals, God of the Forge

Onatar is the god of blacksmithing, fire, and crafts. Onatar is a patron of all the civilized arts, though smiths are his special charges. Bards' tales say that volcanoes mark the sites of his forges.

Despite being ugly and deformed, Onatar is highly honored among the gods as their armorer and smith. He served as the blacksmith of the gods, and is worshipped in the manufacturing and industrial centers of Azgaarnoth, particularly among the dwarvish merchant guilds.

Clerical details

Domains: Fire, Forge, Knowledge

Weapon: Hammer

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

Clerics of Onatar are charged with maintaining civic life. They perform a wide range of public ceremonies, most importantly welcoming children into family and community. They also see to educating the young and especially to training apprentice smiths and other craft workers.


The canonical vestment of a cleric of Onatar is a leather smock, worn over any other clothing. It is often cut to appear like--or is in fact--a smith's apron, and many clerics of Onatar wear it proudly during their bouts at the forge. Burn scars on the smock are considered to be a sign of Onatar's blessing.



Every temple or shrine of Onatar has a fire that is kept perpetually lit, and most include a smithy or other workshop. Hostels and sanctuaries for the infirm and the handicapped are also common.





Onatar is a peaceful deity who teaches the value of hard labor, honesty, dependability. He emphasizes loyalty to family and to whomever else loyalty is due: superiors, just rules, and elders most of all. He encourages his followers to tackle their problems with vigor and persistence, like smiths hammering bits of metal into more desirable shapes.