Veloria Mandragoran

female half-elf (dragonmarked -- Mark of Detection) Bard (College of Glamour) 14, CG


Veloria Mandragoran is a beautiful red-haired half-elf who retired to Brinwal five decades ago, opening a playhouse in the city when she discovered that the city had lost a place for the fine arts almost a century prior when the then-playhouse burned to the ground in a terrible accident. A former adventurer, Veloria chose to keep much of her history a secret--particularly her dragonmark, which she has kept secret from the Draconic Order for all of her century-long life.

She rarely performs these days, but does still keep her performance skills sharp, and although she does not flaunt it make it widely known, she is among the small circle of advisors and confidants to Kerden Jarmaath, and has been known to put performances on that are designed to help Jarmaath sway popular opinion in a particular direction. She is otherwise quite reclusive, and many citizens of the city idly speculate what she does with her time.

In truth, Veloria is in a relationship with Lord Mallin Swinleb of the Copper Order of Stagraven, and much of the time she is spent out of sight is because she is either in Stagraven visiting him (where she is not nearly as well-known), or the two of them are out on a mission together.