Alandri Paedralian

female humanoid (dwarf, polymorphed gynosphinx), LN


Partnered with Immerstal "the Red" Paedralian. She is a polymorphed gynosphinx studying mortalkind. She has not disclosed this fact to Immerstal, and will resist attempts at doing so. She finds Immerstal's petty jealousy to be fascinating, and partnered with him to study it (and its consequences, reactions from others, and long-term effects on him) up close. She has little patience for many of the "ceremonies" of mortalkind, and this manifests in a variety of ways--she will not haggle, for example, and has little time for idle talk or gossip. She does enjoy deeply philosophical conversation and good wordplay, however. Because of her love of philosophy and lack of patience for societal ceremony, she seen as "haughty" and "aloof" by most of the citizens of Brinwal, which only adds to Immerstal's own socially-distant reputation.