Merchant Guild: Compact of the Kaze Clan

Founded in the 5600s, the "Kaze Clan" was born out of a group of merchant dwarves and elves that were tired of the traditional clan boundaries, and decided they were going to form their own "clan", run along dwarvish clan lines but wildly accepting of any creature--Firstborn, human, Created, or Hordish--that wished to join the "clan". So long as the dues were paid on time, and the bylaws were followed, anyone could be a member of the Kaze Clan.

Although radical at the time, the Kaze Clan Compact has since served as a rough outline for future Merchant Guild incorporation letters, detailing explicitly expected behavior and responsibilities of the members of the "clan", the officers and their duties, and provided for an open financial accounting of the "clan"'s books and coffers. Certain dwarvish clans were outraged at the idea, but outside of the more conservative dwarvish clans that swore vague sorts of "grudge threats" against the guild, by the 6000s the Kaze Clan Compact was well-established, well-funded, and well-connected throughout most of western Liria and her former tributaries.

After a surge of Merchant Guild foundings (many, if not most, based on the Kaze Clan Compact charter), the Kaze Clan found itself under some duress, but sound leadership and extensive contacts across a wide spectrum of Noble Houses, Bardic Colleges, and more than a few Rogues' Guilds helped see the guild clear of its immediate dangers. By 6500, the Kaze Clan was well-established as a purveyor of fine agricultural products, including raw materials for the production of a variety of alcoholic beverages. (It was during this time that the Guildmaster Kami, a notable chef at the time, concocted the "secret recipe" to his unique mixed-source beverage, which has yet to lose its popularity as one of the tastiest beverages in Azgaarnoth. Known originally as "Kami's Elixir" then later "Kami's Brew", when Kami become Guildmaster of the Compact, it became known as "Kami Kaze's Beverage", or just a "Kami Kaze".)

The Kaze Clan Compact