Mercenary Company: Scythe Cavaliers

The Scythe Cavaliers are a mixed mercenary company of infantry and cavalry that are on contract to the Ulmhorde and stationed in Veekz permanently. They periodically sortie out against one of the nearby cities of the United Hordes (Crild, Dobtong, Klearvaq, Sroirna).

The company was formed over five hundred years ago as one of five mercenary companies commissioned by the Ulmhorde Warlord to shore up the defenses during the Seventh Siege of Veekz when it looked like the city would finally fall. All five suffered deep casualties during the siege, and in time, the five were absorbed into the Scythe Cavaliers. As the Siege was lifted, the Cavaliers sent the decapitated heads of the generals of the city, along with the copies of the tactically inadvisable orders they'd given the mercenaries, to the Warlord, along with a copy of the messages the Cavaliers had received from the United Hordes offering them vast bonuses and land grants if they'd surrendered the city. Within a week, the Cavaliers' commander was given a general's star, a land grant to a town just south of Veekz, a generous new contract, and orders to continue to hold Veekz in perpetuity, which they continue to do so to this day.

Quarters in (town), just south of Veekz.


Four sections:

  • Cavalry: commander (Human Fighter 9, LN); 500 light horsemen
  • 1st Infantry: commander (Half-orc Fighter 8, LN); 4 heavy infantry companies (500 men each), 1 fire platoon (100 men, 8 magi)
  • 2nd Infantry: commander (Hobgoblin Fighter 6, NG); 6 heavy infantry companies (500 men each)
  • 3rd Infantry: commander (Minotaur Fighter 5, NG); 3 light infantry companies (50 men), 2 fire platoons (400 longbowmen each)