Mercenary Company: Barking Dogs

When the wily gnoll mercenary Gnarcz (Gnoll Pack Lord Fighter 9 NE) returned from a tour of service to lead his pack in annual raids, he found his tribe surrounded by three mercenary companies, lured into a trap. Rather than see his pack slaughtered, he quickly invoked the Code and surrendered, the mercs accepted and the Barking Dogs Company was born. Rather than simply abandon the ruse, however, Gnarcz realized his pack could continue its pillaging and looting as mercenaries, and get paid for the privilege, if they could honor (mostly) the Code (or at least most of it). He whipped his pack into some semblance of mercenary discipline, took service with the Dread Emporer for a short time against the Ulmhorde, giving himself a few chances to wipe out rival packs.

Over time, the Barking Dogs came to accept non-gnoll members, so long as they swore "blood oath" (a simple ritual involving a spoken oath, a sharp knife, and a bloody incision on the chest) to the Dogs. Capably led and advised, the Barking Dogs made a frightening reputation for themselves as shock troop heavy infantry, ready to attack--and obliterate--whatever target they are unleashed upon. Having been around for 15 years, the Dogs have seen more than half their original packmates travel to Yeenoghu, yet the Dogs are twice the size they started, partly because they frequently take captives and "persuade" (usually through brutal brainwashing) the captives to join them.

Six companies:

  • 1st Battalion: commander Dagnyr (Gnoll Fighter 5, NE); 1 fire squad ()
    • 1st Infantry: commander Shakolan (Half-orc Fighter 8, CN); 2 heavy infantry platoons (50 men each), 1 fire platoon (20 men, 2 magi)
    • 2nd Infantry: commander Morganslight Ironseat (Dwarf Fighter 6, LG); 3 heavy infantry platoons (50 men each)
    • 3rd Infantry: commander Evenslight Ironseat (Dwarf Fighter 5, LG); 1 light infantry platoon (50 men), 2 fire platoons (40 longbownmen each)
  • 2nd Battalion
    • Cavalry: commander Swedfer (Human Fighter 9, LN); 40 light horsemen

Usually winters in Britespell or Dusrest.