Mage School: Symbarchs

Home: Grayhost

Enrollment: ~150

Motto: "Til Death Do We Defend"

Though she vanished millennia ago along with the rest of her race, the Symbarchs honor a particular ancient Eldar, known only as the Symm'b'arr. A great spellcaster, Symm'b'arr was particularly dedicated to the people of what is now Bedia, and took on numerous apprentices and schooled them in her secrets of power. She embellished on what was then traditional wizardry, creating a new arcane tradition that (despite the loss of Eldar magic) continues to this day, and stressed innovation and unpredictability. These in turn kept her lessons alive (as best they could teach them), and her teachings continue to this day.

This mage school is quite different from most, in that it is tied mostly to the defense of the people of Bedia and their growth and expansion. A Symbarch will only leave the island for reasons directly related to the defense or growth of the people, with the exception of frequent expeditions to North Bedia to help settlers wrest civilization out of the wilderness. At times in their history, the Symbarchs have opposed Bedian nobility--the Symm'b'arr was concerned with the welfare of the people, not the rulers. For the most part, however, Bedian royalty has remained true to their charge, and work together with the Symbarchs to protect Bedians from all threats.


The Symbarchs have their own arcane tradition (below), and many wizards follow that tradition. They welcome a wide variety of skills within their mage school, from martial to caster, so long as all are dedicated to the cause of the people of Bedia.


Symbarchs wield their magic with a wild abandon that terrifies their enemies. Their arcane power sustains and strengthens them, granting them seemingly superhuman reserves of vitality and health. They practice compassion and restraint, but when the time comes for wrath, they are a terrible enemy indeed.


Symbarchs have friendly relations with most mage schools, but carefully keep the secrets of their tradition out of the hands of anyone not dedicated to the ideals of the Symbarch.