Mage School: Scriveners

Home: Mighal

Enrollment: ~1,500

Motto: "Information Over All"

The Scriveners are scholars, librarians, and historians, dedicated to the preservation of magic, history, politics, and any other sort of knowledge that might be useful. The Scriveners are also spies, often looking to obtain knowledge even without others' awareness or permission. For this reason, while they do a decent business as librarians and scholars, they do an even better business as a "gray market" of information for sale. It is an open secret that any Scrivener is both historian and spy, but their information is so vast and thorough that none can risk angering the Scriveners too much with accusations of espionage.

The Scriveners have an open rivalry (some say hostility) with the Silent Tower; the Silent Tower claims the Scriveners pursue information with no scruples or morals, while the Scriveners claim that the Silent Tower is just as immoral and unscrupulous but unwilling to admit it. The two groups do not openly battle one another, but mysterious deaths and strange disappearances have been known to plague each school when they come into contact with one another.




Restricted Spells

Game Notes

Diviners, Scrymancers, ...