Mage School: Collared Fiend

Home: Mighal

Enrollment: ~750

Motto: "Serve, You Shall"

The School of the Collared Fiend was born of a conjurer who chose to specialize in conjuring the same small collection of extraplanar creatures over and over again until deeper bonds of connection grew between him and the fiend he was conjuring. Over time, as his connection grew, other abilities manifested itself, and he gathered more students about him who sought to replicate his success. In time, they were required to slay their master, as he began to take on the characteristics of the fiend he partnered, but the school itself had understood the risks, and began to explore the magic in earnest, creating a new arcane tradition (the Binder).


The Collared Fiend is made up mostly of conjurers and binders, clerics, warlocks, and the odd Divine Soul or AberrantMind sorcerer. Most of the remainder of classes are involved with the school only as paid employees.



Restricted Spells