Great House: House Kaal

House Kaal is an old House of Liria, but one fraught with numerous scandals, rumors, and whispered stories. Always seeming to be at the center of every scandal, more than one Kaal has been brought before a city magistrate or Baronial Court, but few have ever been found guilty. (Those that have are quickly disavowed and disowned by the House as "rogue elements"). The House has always, it seems, courted with underground and illegal elements, but always somehow seems one step ahead of any sort of legal action against it.

Much of the reason for the House's frequent company with "unseemly company" is that the current patriarch of the House, Lord Cilmaellion Kaal (Human/Lich male Wizard (Necromancer) 17, LE) is actually a lich, and has ruled the House for five centuries now. He travels about the various House holdings so as to not spend too much time in any one place, thus depriving observers of the realization that he never seems to age. Some few family members have come to realize his immortality regardless, and they are either sworn to his inner circle, or they often find themselves part of his undead entourage.
