Wild Boost

2nd-level evocation (Sorcerer,Warlock,Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 round

By applying disruptive energies into your body, you gain a temporary boost of raw magical power.

You cannot cast this spell while concentrating on a spell.

When you cast another spell before the end of your next turn, the new spell is cast as if it were cast with a spell slot two levels higher, this spell ends, and you trigger a wild magic surge.

If you take damage from an attack or an area effect before you cast another spell, this spell ends and immediately triggers a wild magic surge.

Any surge effect rolled is activated by you. If you roll a result of 99-00, reroll the result unless you actually have expended sorcery points. If you cast the new spell in a wild magic zone, roll twice instead for the wild surge and activate both results.

This is one of the most reckless spells in the history of magic, researched by a mad mage who had been studying the unpredictable surges of wild magic sorcerers.

At Higher Levels. Should anyone be foolish enough to cast this with a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, the second spell is cast using a spell slot two levels higher than the one used to cast this spell. Also, an additional effect is rolled on the Wild Surge table for every two additional spell slot levels used to cast this spell: two effects at 3rd-level, three at 5th-level, and four at 7th-level. This spell cannot be cast using an 8th or 9th-level spell slot. If you cast this spell at a higher level in a wild magic zone, the number of wild magic surge effects are similarly doubled.