Temperature Zone

4th-level evocation (ritual) (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A tiny vial of mercury)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You reach out with your senses and grasp control of the heat around you. You can gradually raise or lower the ambient temperature of the atmosphere in a 30-foot radius sphere centered on you. As an action, you can shift the temperature range by one step, based on the following list.

  • Burning Hot. Without protection of some sort, prolonged exposure will likely lead to death. Creatures take 1 point of fire damage per minute spent at temperature in this range, and can not take rests unless they have resistance or immunity to fire damage.
  • Dangerously Hot. Most creatures will be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear less or lighter clothing to function normally; water will be consumed much more rapidly. Exhaustion will be suffered much more easily.
  • Sweltering. Most creatures will be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear less or lighter clothing to function normally; water may be consumed more rapidly.
  • Very Warm. Some creatures may be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear less or lighter clothing to function normally.
  • Moderate. Most creatures will be comfortable and function normally at this range.
  • Very Cool. Some creatures may be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear more or heavier clothing to function normally.
  • Chilling. Most creatures will be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear more or heavier clothing to function normally; prolonged exposure may cause some health problems.
  • Shivering Cold. Most creatures will be uncomfortable at this range, opting to wear more or heavier clothing to function normally; prolonged exposure will cause health problems, possibly even death. Some creatures may find themselves affected by slowed movement.
  • Freezing Cold. Without protection of some sort, prolonged exposure will likely lead to death. Creatures take 1 point of cold damage per minute spent at temperature in this range, and can not take rests unless they have resistance or immunity to cold damage.

You can refresh the spell’s duration back to 1 hour by casting the spell again (if you can) before the current duration ends.

If you cast this spell as a ritual using a glass or crystal bowl worth at least 100 gp as a material component (consumed in the casting), you can make the effect permanent until dispelled for one particular setting, anchoring the zone to where you cast the spell. Casting this spell within 15 feet of a permanent temperature zone’s center dispels the permanent temperature zone.