Sound Circle

3rd-level evocation (ritual) (Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Special
  • Components: V, S, M (rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth at least 20 gp, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You draw out a 5-foot radius circle of glyphs and sigils as part of the casting of this spell. When the spell is activated, the circle begins to glow, emitting bright illumination out to 15 feet and dim illumination for another 15 feet. While the spell is active, a creature standing within the circle can mentally command the circle to request a connection with another existing circle within the same plane, if they know the location of the other circle (or at least the general area where it is located, within a 1000-foot radius). If there is more than one sound circle in the desired area, then the creature initiating the connection acquires a mental image of all the different circles’ locations and can choose one of them.After the request for connection is made, another creature must accept the request at the other circle’s location (or within 30 feet of it); request acceptance may have different conditions such as a spoken password or touching the inside of the circle while making a mental command (chosen by the caster). If the connection is successful, the other circle glows with activation and the creature that initiated the connection can choose one of the following options, which is made known to the receiver before the request is accepted (usually by the way the circle glows, pulsates, or sounds):

  • The creatures at either end can hear whatever sounds originate from within 10 feet of the circles at either end. If harmful sounds or vibrations would be transmitted between the circles, the transmission fails and the spell ends.

  • The creatures at only one particular end can hear whatever sounds originate from within 10 feet of the circle at the other end. If harmful sounds or vibrations would be transmitted between the circles, the transmission fails and the spell ends.

The connection can be ended by creatures as a bonus action at either end with a spoken password or mental command given while standing on a circle, at which point the spell ends. If there are no creatures in a circle for more than 1 minute, the spell ends.

If this spell is cast as a ritual, the required cost of the material component increases to 200 gp (doubled every time 5 feet is added to the radius - ex. 800 gp for 20-ft. radius), and the circle becomes permanently active (but only glows when used). A permanent circle can connect with multiple circles at the same time if desired, and instead of the spell ending for a permanent circle, connections are cut.