Song of Light and Shadow

4th-level evocation (Bard)

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You sing of the morning and evening, of dawn’s break and the fall of evening, of heroes setting out at first light and lovers meeting secretly in darkness. As the song plays, you can not speak or cast a spell, or take any action other than moving or performing this song. As part of performing this song, you can use an action to activate one of the following effects.

  • Stanza of Light: You and all non-hostile creatures within 30 feet of you gain resistance to radiant damage until the start of your next turn. A floating mote of light appears at a point you can see within range and flashes brilliantly before disappearing. Every creature within 10 feet of the mote must make a Constitution saving throw, becoming blinded until the start of your next turn on a failed save.

  • Stanza of Shadow: You and all non-hostile creatures within 30 feet of you gain resistance to necrotic damage until the start of your next turn. A floating mote of shadowy darkness appears at a point you can see within range and blooms, turning bright light into dim light and dim light into darkness in a radius of 20 feet until the start of your next turn. This is treated as magical darkness.

If any of this spell’s area overlaps with light created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.