Punishment Circle

4th-level evocation (Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (Special; See Below)
  • Duration: Until dispelled

After inscribing a set of magical symbols upon a surface in the form of a 5-foot radius circle, you can activate this spell to gain a device designed to cause harm to creatures and objects in contact with it.By speaking a designated password, the spell activates, dealing damage to creatures or objects touching the inside of the circle. The type of damage that a creature or object takes in the circle is based on the material component used in its creation, according to the following list. The component is consumed in the spell’s casting.

  • Acid: Incense and powdered emerald worth at least 800 gp.
  • Cold: Incense and powdered aquamarine worth at least 800 gp.
  • Fire: Incense and powdered ruby worth at least 800 gp.
  • Force: Incense and powdered diamond worth at least 800 gp.
  • Lightning: Incense and powdered topaz worth at least 800 gp.
  • Necrotic: Incense and powdered amethyst worth at least 800 gp.
  • Poison: Incense and powdered sapphire worth at least 800 gp.
  • Psychic: Incense and powdered citrine worth at least 800 gp.
  • Radiant: Incense and powdered pearl worth at least 800 gp.
  • Thunder: Incense and powdered opal worth at least 800 gp.

Anyone within 10 feet outside the circle can activate the spell as an action by speaking the designated password and focusing on the circle. Every creature within the circle must make a Constitution saving throw when the spell is activated. A creature takes 1d6 damage on a failed save, and half damage on a success. Any unattended object in the circle will take full damage.

Optionally, the damage can be set to 1, but this adjustment must be made during the casting of the spell.

You can expand the circle’s radius by 5 feet if you cast this spell again, spending double the amount of material components as the previous casting. You can also expand a circle created by another caster using this method.

You can add an additional damage type to an existing circle by casting this spell and spending the same total value in material components that was used in the current circle. In this case, a separate unused password must be designated for the different damage type (a circle created for this spell can only deal one type of damage at a time).

You can add 1d6 to the damage of an existing circle by casting this spell and spending the same total value in material components that was used in the current circle. If the circle has multiple damage types, this damage increase applies to all of the damage types.