Holy Beacon

5th-level evocation (ritual) (Cleric)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a portable light source)
  • Duration: Special

You channel divine energies into a portable, nonmagical light source (such as a torch, candle, or lantern) that you are holding. The spell lasts until the light source is extinguished, or 8 hours have passed, whichever happens sooner. For the duration, the light source brightens, adding an additional 30 feet of bright light and additional 30 feet of dim light to its illumination radius. Non-hostile creatures (including yourself) within the light have resistance against necrotic damage, psychic damage, and one damage type of your choice from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, radiant, and thunder. Whenever a non-hostile creature (including yourself) uses the Channel Divinity feature while within the light, it will gain 10 temporary hit points, which last until the creature finishes a short rest or long rest. All fiends and undead entering the source’s enhanced light will glow faintly until they exit the area illuminated by the light source, even if they are shapechanged or polymorphed.

When you cast this spell as a ritual, you must add powdered gold worth at least 5 gp as a material component, sprinkled over the light source and consumed in the casting.