Grievous Star

9th-level evocation (Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a meteor chunk)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You summon a melon-sized orb of bright gravitic magic that emanates an incredibly powerful attracting force into an unoccupied space within range. The area within 100 feet of the orb is difficult terrain that costs 2 feet of speed for every 1 foot of movement, and the area within 40 feet of the orb is difficult terrain that costs 3 feet of speed for every 1 foot of movement.

The orb casts bright light for 100 feet and dim light for an additional 100 feet, and this light counts as both sunlight and moonlight. It can be clearly seen as a strange twinkling star for 10 miles in all directions.

Creatures can enter the orb's space and end their turn there (the orb does not occupy the space that it exists inh but creatures that enter the orb's space instantly have their speed reduced to 0 until they leave. Any creature or object that enters the orb's space or ends its turn there takes 30d6 radiant damage. Any creature killed or object destroyed by this damage is reduced to dust.

At the beginning of each of your turns while the spell persists, every creature within 100 feet of the orb must make a Strength saving throw. Creatures that are within 40 feet of the orb have disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature takes 3d10 radiant damage and is pulled 20 feet toward the orb. On a successful saving throw, a creature takes half damage and is not pulled.

The orb can pull creatures up into the air, although if it does, the creature is pulled exactly 10 feet up regardless of whether they failed their saving throw or not, unless they have something to grab which is firmly rooted in the ground. When a creature that cannot fly is pulled into the air by this spelL it remains suspended there until it can make it back to the ground or the spell ends, at which point it falls if it still can't fly. A suspended creature can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling which allows it to move as if it were climbing.

When you cast this spelL you may designate up to 10 other creatures that you can see within range as being protected from it. Those creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell. You are totally immune to the spell's effects, except that you will still take damage if you enter the orb's space or start your turn there.

The spell also affects and damages objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried as if they failed the saving throw.