Greater Whirlwind

9th-level evocation (Druid)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute This is a more potent version of whirlwind . The

whirlwind touches the ground at a point you choose within range. Its area is a 20-foot radius by 60-foot high cylinder centered on that point. Until the spell ends, you can use an action on each of your turns to move the whirlwind up to 30 feet in any direction along the ground. The whirlwind sucks up any large or smaller objects in its area that aren't secured, worn, or carried by any creature.

A creature must make a Dexterity saving throw the first time on a turn that it enters the whirlwind's area, or when the whirlwind enters its space, including when the whirlwind first appears. A creature takes 15d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed saving throw, or half that on a successful one. In addition, a Huge or smaller creature that fails its save must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained within the whirlwind. A restrained creature is pulled 5 feet higher at the start of each of its turns while inside the whirlwind unless it is already at the top. The creature moves with the whirlwind and falls when the spell ends, unless it has some means to stay aloft.

A creature restrained by the whirlwind can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check against the spellcaster's save DC. On a success, the creature is no longer restrained, and it is hurled 3d6 x 10 feet in a random direction. A thrown creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet thrown if it strikes a solid object.