Golem Armor

8th-level conjuration (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You conjure a massive hollow construct to armor you, placing yourself in the center of the golem to control it, inside a small cavity that is perfectly sized to fit you and your equipment.

Choose one of the options for your golem armor: ice golem armor, lava golem armor, metal golem armor, or stone golem armor.

The golem armor appears instantly in your space when the spell is cast. You roll initiative for the golem armor, which has its own turns. The golem armor lasts for the duration or until it is reduced to 0 hit points.

While you're inside the golem armor, you're paralyzed even if you would normally be immune to the condition, but it doesn't interrupt your concentration on the spell.

You see through the golem's eyes and hear through its ears, you completely control the way it moves and the actions it takes, and you have total cover from anything that is outside the golem armor.

When the golem armor takes 30 or more damage at once, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on this spell The DC is equal to half of the triggering damage, but you also gain a +5 bonus to the roll.

The spell fails upon casting if there is not enough unoccupied space around you for the golem armor, or if you are size Huge or larger (since you can't fit inside).