Glacial Construction

8th-level evocation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You form structures of ice and shape them to your desires, creating works of art and buildings upon a solid surface. Up to ten 10-foot cubes of ice rise from the ground, at separate or contiguous locations within range (including on top of each other). The ice has an AC of 12, 120 hit points per 10-foot cube, and is vulnerable to fire damage. Destroying an ice block will spread chunks of ice or water across a 15-foot square, turning the affected ground into difficult terrain or a slippery surface. The ice remains after the spell ends.

For the duration, you can use an action to form ten more 10-foot cubes of ice within range (starting from the tops of existing cubes if desired), and you can use a bonus action to change the shape of ice created by the spell in an area within range the size of a 60-foot cube (including the cubes initially created when you cast this spell). When reshaping the ice cubes, they can be expanded in one dimension while being proportionally reduced in another; this will change their hit points accordingly. For example, doubling the length of a cube while halving the width will produce two ten-foot sections across a 5-foot wide, 10 feet high, 20-foot line line, and each section will have half the hit points of the original cube. Any creature on top of a surface where the cube appears is moved by the ice, and must make a DC 10 Acrobatics (Dexterity check) to prevent itself from falling prone if the cube that the creature is on is reshaped by this spell.