
1st-level necromancy (Artificer,Cleric)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You grant yourself a heightened sense for the energies of life and death. For the duration, you always know whether each creature within range that is not behind total cover is near death (at 0 hit points) or fragile (less than 25% of their hit point maximum). You also know if a creature is undead, alive, or neither (an unliving construct, for example). If something appears to be a creature, but is not, or if it is something that has never been alive (such as a statue), you sense that as well. This spell does not penetrate illusions (causing illusory creatures to appear alive), and if a creature is under the effects of a feign death spell or a similar effect, you detect it as being dead. If a creature is a construct but also alive (such as a warforged), you detect it as being alive.