Dancing Weapon

1st-level transmutation (brandish) (Bard,Ranger,Sorcerer,Warlock,Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, M (A melee weapon worth at least 1 gold).
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a weapon, and it rises into the air and floats nearby, mimicking your hand movements as if you were still holding it, allowing you to make melee weapon attacks with it.

As part of the action casting this spell, you make a melee weapon attack. On your subsequent turns, you can make Multiattacks or Extra Attacks using this weapon. The weapon uses your Strength or Dexterity bonus for attack rolls and damage, as per normal.

Your reach with this weapon is effectively increased by 5 feet, and you can move the weapon anywhere within range as part of a melee weapon attack. If you move, the weapon will float to remain within range of you; if you teleport (voluntarily or otherwise), the weapon will teleport with you to remain within range.

If you "release your grip" on the weapon, or if your concentration is broken, the spell ends and the weapon clatters to the floor. Creatures can attempt to seize control of the weapon by engaging in a Grapple action against the weapon; resolve this attempt as a normal grapple, except that if the result of the Grapple would render you incapacitated, you lose control of the weapon instead and the spell ends.

In addition, any spell you cast that requires a weapon will also have its range also increased by 5 feet if you choose the same weapon.

At Higher Levels​. Increase the range of the reach of the wapon by 5 feet for each level spell slot beyond 1st.