Create Useful Robe Patch

3rd-level conjuration (ritual) (Bard,Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a blank patch worth at least 10gp, an item and a robe of useful items with available space)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You compress a single mundane item onto a blank patch with the intention of attaching it to a robe (or other clothing) of useful items. The item you choose must be no larger than 30 feet in any dimension. The patch must then be sewn onto a robe of useful items before it can be used.

At Higher Levels: When casting this spell using a spell slot, you are able to fashion non-sentient magic items into patches depending on the spell slot used, as follows: 3rd level (common), 5th level (uncommon), 7th level (rare), and 9th level (very rare).